Master Toyotaro Miyazaki • O.B. Kai Workshop II
The 2nd Miyazaki O.B.KAI workshop was held on Sunday April 19, 2009.
Shihan Kai Leung covered the area of Karate History, Junbi-undo, Sonoba-Kihon, Kata Bunkai, Blocking Drills and Judging Kata and Kumite.
The O.B.KAI members had a chance to practice together in front of Master Toyotaro Miyazaki.
O.B.KAI members
practicing Kumite drills
Shihan Kai Leung demonstrating
a striking technique
judging Kata
judging Kumite
The 2nd Miyazaki O.B.KAI workshop, like the first one is well attended and a compete success.
We thank all those members who took the time out on a beautiful day to keep the tradition going.