The demo reel below was made to coincide with the release of the 2014 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie. In this video he wields the weapon used by a turtle while wearing a shirt matching the color of the turtle’s headband. He is one of very few people in the world who can wield all four TMNT weapons using both traditional and creative techniques. He may be possibly the youngest who has ever done so at 8 years old. In addition to the double sword, double chux, bo and sai, Aidan is has also trained with the Okinawan tunfa, eku and Eskrima yantok.
The demo reel below is a composite of Aidan Lok’s karate-do and kobudo techniques when he was 7 years old.
Aidan Lok’s blackbelt test at 8 years old. January, 2014.
Aidan competing as a 6 year old. He is performing the Yamanni-Ryu kata Sakagawa no kun. He is the youngest person to ever learn and use that kata in competition by a wide margin. At six years old he was undefeated in the advanced weapons division for 12 year old and under children in the 2012 competition season.